Sunday, October 31, 2010

get rrrrready!

Work is work! I recently started a temp job at a place "formerly known as Sime Darby Marketing". Good opportunity, but I've realized the 9 to 5 thing is not for me. You should try an office job out too. See if the schedule suits your pace before committing to it.

This week ended (or started? Since the Jewish calender starts with Sundays) with a food sale, all by the youth. I am proud of everyone of them! It's a blessing to be able to pull it off AND raise funds at the same time. The night before, huge doubts started to creep in my mind. What if we didn't have enough time? Run out of food? Forget to bring items (which I did forget, to bring the lettuces, butter, chips and celery)? Then I remembered that God never puts something on our plates that we can't handle. He will provide lah! Like, how many times must I go through the panic cycle before I realize that He is sufficient to meet my needs?

How has your week been? Read anything interesting in the papers?

GY Camp 2010 registration form here.

You've read me say it's a life changing experience. And it is! I never fail to hear from God here.

Faith is an expectancy that God will act. Take that step of faith now. Experience God. No matter your age, race, religion or background.

God is here. Will you take that first step?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

to do list, october

  1. 5 ringgit chocolates
  2. bring a BIG bag for the said 5 ringgit chocolates
  3. bought something online from the States...must remember to check real post/mail often and hope customs doesn't confisticate it
  4. stock up on sleep
  5. find bangles and a clutch
  6. arrangements for prom on Wednesday

Me: Sam, you know Chuck Bass' hotel is called Empire Hotel right? Our prom also at Empire Hotel!
Sam: =_=" You watch too much Gossip Girl...

5 minutes later

Sam: ...Hey, you know what, me and him are kinda like Chuck and Serena!
Me: =_=" Who's the Gossip Girl addict now?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a burst of color

For our newest collection, we sourced for acid colored guitar picks and found these Jim Dunlop ones. The colors are so neon-y! And the flowers, well, they're a different matter altogether!

Haha. The write up for the Color Burst collection is cringe-worthy :) it's so full of cliches. "...rock your day out..."

LOL I crack myself up.

Check it out anyway!

pearly bracelets

Le Blogshop is updated with two handmade pearly bracelets.
Max is RM 10.
No way?
Yes. Way.

At Seenamon, we keep the prices low. Quality high. Style to infinity.
Because we're students too.

(Didn't that sound like a credit card/petrol advert? Haha)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a quote from ecclesiastes

"Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth - except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!"

Ah, money. Is that why we're alive? To keep making more and more money, to be engulfed and suffocate in mountains of it and lose the reason of life? Oh, woe be us if it be so. We're all susceptible to this form of lunacy.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

friday night quote

Dying is the day worth living for.
- Captain Barbosa

Just saw that quote from a friend's status update. Like!

developed film

Remember the plastic camera I told you about? Well, the film has been developed!

Out of the 36 pictures from the roll of film, only 14 was suitable to be developed. The rest were semi-formed and others were blank. Pretty sad lah, since there were some once-a-lifetime pictures taken. Like the Pillow Talkers @ Fullhouse, and my cousin's wedding :( Still, valuable lesson learnt: this is why photography went digital.

The feeling of getting your hands on freshly developed pictures can't be beat, though :) Here are the scans of some.

Some pictures came out really retro looking, like this:

But most gave a soft, blurry effect for anything in sight:

But the underwater shots, oh they were crisp and clear!

The total for 14 pictures is RM 22.50. It will dent your wallet if you're not I'll only use it for recreational purposes :D

So...what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Don't get it? People look better in DSLRs? Let me know what you think :D

PS: I own these pictures. Please let me know before using them :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

wall street: money never sleeps

Yesterday night, the four of us (A,A,A,S) were rushed to 1U for a night screening of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

Finally, a movie that makes me think. None of the mediocre chick-flick-rom-com. This, and Inception, are probably the only two movies I'll remember this year.

All the Principles of Finance and Microeconomics classes paid off, too! I actually understood most of the money talk here. Eh college friends, you guys should have watched this. It's like theory in (fictional) application.

off tumblr

Like: the lofts, the clothes, shia *hehehe*, carey's red prius


Wednesday, October 13, 2010



You've seen the Up engagement shoot...(go google) see the UP themed wedding. It's a bit crazy lah to center one's wedding around an animated movie, but even then, the deco is pleasing and the sweets look delicious, so why not scroll through the thing? :D

the magician's nephew

Whenever we read something, we are feeding ideas, concepts and even lifestyles to our mind. And you know our mind is one of the most fertile grounds for ideas to grow (LOL not an Inception quote).

The latest book I've read is The Magician's Nephew by C.S.Lewis. It's the beginning of Narnia as we know it. The few parts that stood out for me are the creation of Narnia (how the animals came about!) and the tree in the middle of the mountain with the shining apples. Vivid descriptions. You can almost feel the earth bursting with life and splendor!

Yes, it is a kid's book. It's easy reading for me lah. (The only books I read when I was young was abridged versions of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White.) And I love the evil vs. good analogies.

When the Witch stole and ate one of the apples, Aslan replied one of my favorite quotes:

"Child," he replied, "that is why all the rest are now a horror to her. That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. The fruit is good, but they loathe it forever."

The analogy can be applied to sex and money as well. Ask me to explain to you in real life, it's too complicated to explain online!

Okay, now I have to rush off for din-din and more media kit stuff!

*images were Googled

Monday, October 11, 2010



Two of my best friends are not on talking terms. It seems like they're gonna be at it till my wedding/funeral, but there's a college prom coming up soon and I really want to go with the both of them. Dilemma! Any suggestions? (My personal stand is to let the both of them be, and sit at a table with a bunch of strangers)


There's a media kit with 5 different inserts to make, plus a public service announcement to create by this Friday. The NGO that I chose is Birthright, a shelter for unwed mothers with unplanned pregnancies. Tell a friend! This may help alleviate the rampant baby dumping.


So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some, and he chooses to harden the hearts of others so they refuse to listen.
Romans 9:18

at the magazine stand

Aidee: Hey, look which girl is on the cover of Seventeen this month.

from the inbox

Three friends from the local congregation were asked,
'When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?'

Artie said: ' I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man.'

Eugene commented: 'I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives.'

Al said: 'I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's moving!'

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

we were wistful

At T-Bowl, Sungai Wang.

it's mad i tell you, mad!

Food drive promoted yesterday for PR class=outcome, better than expected. PTL! Here's some shots from the day. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

food oh food

No idea who will read this, since none of my collegemates blog actively nowadays, but here it is!

Please click on the image to enjoy marker pen art in its full glory. We thank you in advance for your kind participation and cooperation!

early october birthdays

(Okay, I didn't mean for all these Poladroids to have Zhu Whee in them. Aidee took them!)

Habib (top left) celebrated his birthday last Saturday (2/10). Yes, I am aware that I did not wish him via any medium whatsoever and have yet to send him my remaining gold.

Zhu Whee (in all pictures!) celebrated his birthday yesterday (4/10). Also did not wish him via any traditional medium.

Birthday blogposts are getting rarer these days! Is your birthday coming up, or do you want me to birthday blogpost you? Comment if you do!

Oh yeah...and Piglet celebrated her birthday last Friday (1/10-same as Bryan) too!

Here she is in a picture with Pak Lah, from her latest photoshoot, courtesy of Aidee Photography:

Monday, October 4, 2010

sunday journalling

aidee photography

Today was a very momentous day. We shall look back to this day and call it a landmark day, if you will. But every day should be a momentous landmark day, for it is the days that the Lord has made! God is awesome.

GHM after a long break. My arms and legs hurt. Must go exercise more often. Kids, exercise is important. Jiu Jitsu, swimming, Parkour, tap dancing - just do it. Your body needs exercise for health and strength.

PR campaign this Wednesday (dear friends, please donate some dry and non-perishable food like canned food, a bag of rice/flour/salt/sugar, a tin of biscuits or Milo sacks for Pusat Kasih Sayang! Just bring them to the lobby on Wed. Thanks in advance)
PR media kit for the chosen NGO
Sales Management revision

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Yes, Su Ling, we're waiting for you!

This week was spent mostly revising for a 30% midterm quiz, which was only 2 essay questions for the Sales Management subject. Strangely, although people tell me this often, I didn't quite realise that I had photographic memory until I sat for the paper. (I mean like sometimes I really don't depend on the p-memory, cos you won't know when it decides to fail, right? So it's better not to rote learn) Back to the test. So I was scribbling notes and stuff halfway when I saw how similar it looked to my handwritten notes. Scary, but cool. Haha!

Cell tonight was exhausting but fun as usual :D if you want to attend, do! The more, the merrier. And I always stress fellowship-friendship is very important. God did not build us to be loners on the top of the hill meditating and sucking in air for food. Nope, He made us to have friends who jump on our backs and sit on our laps while shouting "Cheesecake!" on a photo taking session.

"Sorry, Lord because Nick whispered the word to me!" - Joshua having a slip of the tongue (multiplication) while praying for Jon.

Lord, please be my strength and my guide for this weekend and the week to come. Amen.