Sunday, October 31, 2010

get rrrrready!

Work is work! I recently started a temp job at a place "formerly known as Sime Darby Marketing". Good opportunity, but I've realized the 9 to 5 thing is not for me. You should try an office job out too. See if the schedule suits your pace before committing to it.

This week ended (or started? Since the Jewish calender starts with Sundays) with a food sale, all by the youth. I am proud of everyone of them! It's a blessing to be able to pull it off AND raise funds at the same time. The night before, huge doubts started to creep in my mind. What if we didn't have enough time? Run out of food? Forget to bring items (which I did forget, to bring the lettuces, butter, chips and celery)? Then I remembered that God never puts something on our plates that we can't handle. He will provide lah! Like, how many times must I go through the panic cycle before I realize that He is sufficient to meet my needs?

How has your week been? Read anything interesting in the papers?

GY Camp 2010 registration form here.

You've read me say it's a life changing experience. And it is! I never fail to hear from God here.

Faith is an expectancy that God will act. Take that step of faith now. Experience God. No matter your age, race, religion or background.

God is here. Will you take that first step?

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