Thursday, October 21, 2010

wall street: money never sleeps

Yesterday night, the four of us (A,A,A,S) were rushed to 1U for a night screening of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

Finally, a movie that makes me think. None of the mediocre chick-flick-rom-com. This, and Inception, are probably the only two movies I'll remember this year.

All the Principles of Finance and Microeconomics classes paid off, too! I actually understood most of the money talk here. Eh college friends, you guys should have watched this. It's like theory in (fictional) application.

off tumblr

Like: the lofts, the clothes, shia *hehehe*, carey's red prius



Bryan Ong Eu Jin said...

HAHAAHAH, like ass, if not careful. HAHAHA

Timothy Chen said...

Sounds like a pretty interesting movie! I wonder if the actors took up courses in Finance or Economics just to prepare for their roles.