Since I couldn't find anything REMOTELY "Malaysian" other than the choir pictures. This was taken at Pangkor.
Anyway, I'm here to look patriotic for this Friday. Why do I love Malaysia so much? Charmaine answered this, after she said how much she loves the culture, food, etc:
Lagu Belaian Jiwa and Kau Ilhamku adalah lagu yang paling romantik saya pernah dengar. Vokalnya juga syok sekali sehingga boleh menidurkan saya. Kalaulah kekasihku boleh menyanyikan lagu ini pada saya, cair hatiku. Cair sehingga tidak terhingga. Ah ini tidak membawa apa-apa makna sekalipun tetapi tidak mengapa, saya tahu anda sekalian faham apa saya hendak sampaikan
Why do I love my country -Because I don't hate it -Food food food is reasonably cheap at times (mega sale!) -Pirated stuff? -NASI LEMAK! -unity, integrity, etc-all those cliched stuff which are true but we have the need to point it out anyway, just in case. -the fact that we are live all-year round in summer season but still find the need to wear jackets, windbreakers and scarves to tuition, offices, cinema, etc. No wonder winter apparel sell so "laris"-ly here. but STILL, we're damaging the environment! (wrong reason, haha) -Sepet, Gubra and Mukshin! And...P.Ramlee? -I know! I know! Ramly burger...ahaha -tourist destinations -the people. i think. except those rude drivers, people who follow the National Timing, etc. -UPSR! PMR! SPM! STPM! -(insert reason here)
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-50 yang Terawal Beberapa Hari!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Paradise Live, the band from Australia will be having a concert/rally. Here's the info:
Date: 10th September 2007 Venue: Dewan Grace, Taman Chi Liung Time: 8pm Entrance: FREE
I don't feel like going....granted, they don't come here very often, but the trials are just on the morning after.
Akon was here on the 19th, and Gwen's was on 21st. I was expecting Akon to make an appearance at her concert. I'm talking about Gwen Stefani's concert, and how SO MANY friggin teenagers wanted to go. from yahoo They were complaining about how they couldn't get the tickets lah, blah blah know, the usual stuff.
The thing that I don't get is their unrealisation that it's much more worth it to buy a singer's concert DVD than to buy their concert ticket. Granted, I've never been to a concert and was utterly devastated when I couldn't attend Linkin Park's in 2003 and Coldplay's in 2006, but yo, I'm speaking from terms of my view-lah.
Case in point: We have this Madonna Confessions Tour DVD. When the whole family watched it, we thought, wow, that was better than being at the concert. Yes, we did NOT watch it on a big-arse screen TV with surround sound in a blackened room (why the heck for?) but that's the point.
The DVD took us behind the scenes, had all the extra footages and all those flashy, shiny things on stage were maginified for our benefit. I tell you, it was better than being at the concert. At the concert, the most you can see of the singer is a blurred spot. In the DVD, you get to see Madonna's Swarvoski diamond-encrusted eyelashes. Fuyoh. from yahoo
Some sound system in concert venues may be state-of-the-art but the screaming fan(girls) will do nothing but to ruin my mood, personally. DVD: Crystal-clear vocals, lovely bass sounds and harmonious melodies. I'm talking about Madonna, not PlanetShakers or Hillsongs.
Talking about PlanetShakers or Hillsongs, given the chance, I'd rather go to the conference/concert than buy the DVD. Which sane person wouldn't? Ok, don't answer that.
Anyway, that was just the opinion from a person who can see that lala-isme and Harajuku-isme has a very fine line in between them.
For today's sejarah lesson, you are required to fill in the blanks.
Pada permulaannya, tamadun India terbahagi kepada dua jenis kerajaan: kerajaan besar (_________) dan kerajaan kecil (_________). Kerajaan besar ini di bawah kuasa seorang raja berkuasa mutlak dan antara contoh kerajaan2 sebegini adalah Kosala dan _______. Kerajaan kecil pula bersikap ke_______ dan tiada raja.
Raja dalam tamadun Indus mempunyai kuasa yang besar. Kedudukan raja berkuasa ______ ini diperkukuh dengan upacara ritual berasaskan kepercayaan bahawa raja adalah ____ dan harus _____.
Raja dibantu penasihat yang bergelar Brahmin dan di bawah Brahmin adalah _______, golongan dominan atau pemerintah tertinggi. I don't know why they can be higher than Brahmins.
Chandragupta Maurya berjaya menyatukan kerajaan kecil dan besar dan mengambil gelaran Maharaja. Anaknya, _________ berjaya meluaskan tanah jajahan India ke Mysore. Anak _______, Asoka (like the Asoka restaurant in Bukit Tinggi) pula tidak menggunakan angkatan tentera untuk meluaskan jajahannya, tetapi menekankan kelembutan (tekan sampai lembut, haha) melalui agama Buddha selepas dia menghentikan Perang Kalinga.
Chandragupta Maurya mempunyai 1000 tentera berkuda, 600 ekor gajah dan 10,000 infantri. Does anyone know what's an infantri? I imagine it to be babies. CM berjaya meluaskan tanah jajahan India ke India Utara, Punjab, Selecuid dan India Barat. Empayarnya meliputi Pergunungan Kush to Teluk Benggala. Ibu negara: Pataliputra.
Undang2 tamadun Indus/ India Keywords: Kitab Dharma Sasatra, tindakan berasaskan keseriusan kesalahan, Brahmin, Tiang Asoka.
Perdagangan di India Keywords: berhubung dgn Macedonia, Asia T., Sresthin, raja, cukai membiayai, mata wang emas, melayu (bedak wangi), cina (minyak wangi).
God give me style and give me grace-Coldplay
Listening to: This is not Real Love, Mutya Buena and George Michael (so EMO)
Today I ate peanut butter on bread and some apple juice for breakfast. For lunch it was nasi lemak mata kerbau (bull's eye, nyum) and milo ais. I just ate a strawberry and a piece of durian for tea and sipped some apple juice. I like apple juice.
picture from email
We make many choices in our daily lives (duh). Some choices are excellent ones (like the one in which I chose to go to KLCC with Iona during the exam week), and some are absolutely rubbish kind of choices (like the choice you made when you made that purchase of the awful orange colored, pink polka dotted socks. Not that I mind, you can give them to me).
However we make our choices determine what we do in our lives. I chose to make this post, and I chose to publish it. Did you choose to read the whole thing?
As small as a choice we make can be, it brings about a big difference. It's your choice to get straight As, and it is also your choice to gossip about people.
It's your choice to be emo all the time, and it's your choice to give in to your temptations. No one will force you to do otherwise, but bear in mind they have every right to criticise your choice. It's their choice, after all. But gossiping is a horrendous activity, in my personal opinion.
It is also your choice to determine what kind of person you are. If you think you're God's child, you are. If you think you're a lala girl, by all means, stay away from me.
Now that you know who you are, you should embrace it. But that doesn't give you the right to go around recklessly, not to mention aimlessly making stupid choices. As insan yang dicipta Tuhan, we are blessed with a sense called common. Use it.
I really really dislike Ashlee Simpson's Pieces of Me. It's so annoying! I don't get how it was a hit! And the lyrics do not make sense.
Listen to Dig by Incubus instead. It's lyrics are better than that of Pieces of Me. Did you know that for the MV of Dig, Incubus had a competition to see who could make the best MV?
The one chosen was of a pair of animated boy and girl. Disturbing but strangely emo-esque. At the end of the MV, the girl literally digs a huge head of the boy using a big cangkul and discovers the boy in the head. If you want to see it, it's this one:(and I personally recommend that weirdcitygurl watch it-cos it reminded me of her)
Apparently there was also another chosen MV which was directed by a pro (Ramon Boutviseth). I saw this one and it was all kissing, kissing, kissing. My goodness! Don't teenagers like anything else other than kissing? I mean, it was all kissing from the start till the end. This MV was totally terpesong from the tema of the lagu and I seriously loath it, although it has a certain air to it.
My favourite MV of Dig is directed by this guy from Although the editing was lousy and there weren't much isi to it, all the same it was entertaining.
This one was made just for fun by some other person. It's artsy and imaginative. This one uses Dig as a background for a story about the journey of a dancer and I recommend it to artsy people.
Thank you for reading! Drop a line as a comment on this post, if you must.
John 15:16,17-You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other.
A movie I have recently seen is The Freedom Writers.
The title may sound dead boring but the movie is anything but it. There's drama, and...drama. Mostly dramalah. The movie is about a teacher making a change in a class where the students are about the worst bunch you can ever find-they pick fights everyday, they call each other names, they go by their own clique. The main character was played by Hilary Swank. This movie was inspired by a true story. It's a truly inspiring movie even though the fountain of vulgar words at the beginning will shock you. I think the words added some pizzazz to TFW though. The F word was mentioned once, by the teacher no less, and there was a collective gasp in the audience.
i don't have a caption for this pciture so...picture taken from Yahoo images.
My opinion is that every student should watch it. As racist as it is at some parts, the underlying message is conveyed thoroughly. I'm sure my english teacher Pn. Sundari would have immediately arranged for a movie-watching session.
TFW made me laugh and cry-the emotions almost seem too real at times and the experiences of the students really makes us sit down and think: What if Malaysian students actually acted like that? Joyce pondered that thought aloud at the beginning of the movie. I said they'd be in jail. Sherrene said something else: "It will never happen because Tunku Abdul Rahman prevented it," I was glad to hear that-at least someone saw what could have come.
Overall, it was a very profitable afternoon at youth. And no, the movie wasn't censored so we got to hear all the vulgar words. My favourite lines have to be this:
Ben: Ms. G, we can fight this y'know, like the Freedom Riders. Marcus: Yeh yeh, we all drive around on a bus, only this time they try and bust us up we bust a few of them board member's heads. Brandy: Or we can go to the newspapers. Media...? Tito: Or we can paint the administration building with the word assholes, in various colours!
I give The Freedom Writers 9/10 for being an inspiring and thought-provoking movie.
"If this is ever going to make you feel better, i heard if you die in the camp, government is going to pay you 30-35K"-Sherwin, as told by K regarding National Service.
Matthew 5:44,45 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Pemerintahan di Rom-bukti pembangunan tamadun
Pada mulanya, Rom diperintah oleh raja2 berkuasa mutlak berbangsa Etruscan. Masyarakat Latin yang mendiami Rom tidak menyenagi hal ini dan bangun memberontak dengan pemimpin golongan bangsawan yang digelar patrician. Selepas pemberontakan ini, pemerintahan dijalankan oleh dua orang konsul supaya kedua-dua pemimpin ini mempunyai kuasa yang sama.
Pemerintahan ini dipanggil Republik. Konsul dilantik Dewan Senat. Ahli Dewan Senat yang ingin menjadi konsul haruslah memegang jawatan sebagai pemimpin tentera atau praeotor dahulu. Ahli2 DS terdiri daripada golongan bangsawan. Konsul dibantu DS dalam hal2 pentadbiran. Segala keputusan DS akan diluluskan dahulu oleh Dewan Perhimpunan yang diwakili oleh semua rakyat Rom.
So basically, after the reign of the Etruscan kings, the Latin people memberontak. After that they decided to make two leaders who are called Konsul. Konsul (2 org pemimpin)-> Dewan Senat (bangsawan, praeotor) -> Dewan Perhimpunan (rakyat Rom) Definisi Republik: Negara yang ditadbir oleh wakil yang dipilih rakyat melalui pilihan raya dan diketuai seorang presiden.
Pompei is one of the places in Rome where there is proof of peningkatan tamadun-it's a very selesa place for kediaman because it has a rumah ibadat, the colloseum, a makhamah and a library.
One bukti peningkatan civilisation in Rome is their sistem terusan. This sistem terusan air membolehkan rakyat Rom mendapat bekalan air secara berterusan semasa perang dan keamanan. You know why? 'Cos it's UNDERGROUND. It involves 14 cities.
Apparently, the SMS service for the NS checks are unreliable. So, go check the website which is currently jammed to be sure.
IONA!!! I'm going to miss you....r hair a lot when you're gone! And I just realised something-Iona kena NS, Fiona also kena! AHAHAHAHA it rhymed...In case you still can't see it, Iona is one F short of Fiona.
Gosh! I just realised that 4 out of 6 people in this picture are chosen for NS! That's like...2 out of 3!
Ai yor...I'm already missing Iona and Cherylyn and YX lah...and their hair...separation must be hard. AHAHAHAHA. Iona sent me the mailing address for her NS site already: Iona, Hutan di Kwsn Tenggara Penisular Malaysia, Lebuh Monyet, xxxxx Sektor 41 (classified)
And this is what K said: Khadijah says: Sherwin said he didn't get. Khadijah says: but he said something like this.. Khadijah says: "If this is ever going to make you feel better, i heard if you die in the camp, government is going to pay you 30-35K" Khadijah says: like that ever going to make it any easier. Sha says: AHAHAHHA Khadijah says: I won't even be able to SEE the money. Khadijah says: let alone SPEND it.
On another note, Convent is paying my school to lend them some of our boys for choir. Which got me thinking. Why isn't our school sending a team to compete in the competition, if Convent is sending one?
So far, two people in S1 got-And birthday girl is one of them! I was just talking to her at the padang today-"So, what kind of food are you going to serve at your wedding?" and then Iona says that b'day girl teared when she got the news that she was selected.
Since b'day girl kena NS, and she's the pianist of the choir, the powers that be also had to choose the conductor. Yes people, she got NS too! Of all people, the girl who stitches and knits and jumps and giggles! Well, it's bound to happen someday.
Two in S3 kena, along with their best friend in S4.
My mortal from Camp Meta also kena.
And Darlie also kena!
I read in The Star the government actually added 10,000 more places in this batch's one to accomodate more participants. I think it's not becuase of that. It's because there's a huge influx of those born in the year 1990.
Think lah, people, THINK. Some parents make sure that they have a kid born in the year 1990 because in the year 1997 they'd be 7 years old, likewise in 2007 they'd be 17 years old. You heard it from me.
The website ( is jammed up (maklumlah, hari Jumaat).
Khadijah won't tell me if she kena or not!!!!! And neither will I. ;)
Instructions : Paste the following on your blog and tag people to answer the questions below. Have them tag other people. Your tagged friends will answer the questions about you.
1. What is your friend’s name? - T. Cherylyn (we call her Cher. Like that singer)
2. Jock, Geek, Prom King/Queen, Loner, Friendly, Flirtatious, Promiscuous. Pick the word from the list that best describes your friend. - Prosmiscuous. Nolah, 'cos she's a musical person what, so I can imagine her playing Nelly Furtado's Prosmiscuous on the piano...She's a loner. In a good way.
3. Choose 5 adjectives to describe your friend. - muscial! - serious - talkative - bossy - musical
4. What color do you think best associates with your friend? - green
5. In ten years time, where do you see your friend? - An acclaimed pianist with a regular slot at the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra earning a 4-figure salary a month. Or fighting to save the environment agaisnt unscrupulous (?) people with me as the sidekick. hehe.
6. Describe your friend’s blogging style. - Dead pan environment-centered (you go girl)
It's the mentality that students in the Science stream are supposed to score better than the students in Arts/Commerce that make some teens drop out of school.
Say you have potential, and you know it. But because of a few alphabets on a slip of paper, you're forever doomed to be looked down upon in life.
It's not just me-everyone these days seem to look up upon those who are in the Science stream and shun those in Arts/Commerce. Go ask your uncle or auntie.
The potential you thought you had is in you, but because you're in the A/C stream, no one can help you bring it out. I hear the teachers bad mouthing those in Science Four like they have no future and I hear them saying how they wish they'd never been assigned to those in the A/C stream.
I don't blame anyone for how these kids have turned out-it's a blame we all have to shoulder. We were the ones who said or thought, "No wonder you're in A/C stream! You only got 2 As for PMR,". We were the ones who look shiftily at them in the library when all they wanted to do was to get some knowledge. We were the ones who said those in A/C classes will not be successful in life unless they encounter some dumb luck.
We were the ones who sit in our gold-gilded chairs comfortably listening to SPM tips and leaks while those in the A/C work their butts off to get some praises. We are the ones who HAVE EVERYTHING we NEED to SPEAK out for them, but we choose to indulge ourselves in our whims and fanices.
the chatbox is going away soon. and shannon, i want to relink you back. ;)
Sometimes I feel suffocated. (It doesn't sound as emo as it should.)
Satu bukti peningkatan tamadun di Yunani dari aspek pemerintahan adalah pelbagai jenis pemerintahannya. Antara jenis pemerintahan di Yunani adalah monarki (pemerintahan oleh Konsul), Oligarki (Orang kaya dalam Konsul), Aristokrasi (Orang kaya yang memiliki kuasa yang amat kuat), Diktator (oleh golongan tirani-diwakili oleh orang kaya dan golongan tentera) dan akhirnya demokrasi. So after that Yunani use demokrasi. Sparta still use pemerintahan tentera but other negara kota oso use raja berkuasa mutlak.
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. -psalm 121:6
For Khady's sake Instructions : Paste the following on your blog and tag people to answer the questions below. Have them tag other people. Your tagged friends will answer the questions about you.
1. What is your friend’s name? - Khadijah
2. Jock, Geek, Prom King/Queen, Loner, Friendly, Flirtatious, Promiscuous. Pick the word from the list that best describes your friend. - Friendly. Like Doraemon.
3. Choose 5 adjectives to describe your friend. - What's that word? Hyper. - Clutchacholic (Ok, it's not an adj. Sue me) - Very Friendly - Studious - Kind-hearted
4. What color do you think best associates with your friend? - Maroon. (baju pengawas mah)
5. In ten years time, where do you see your friend? - Married with three children, expecting her fourth. Lives in Bandar Botanic with three cars and two maids, courtesy of her husband.
6. Describe your friend’s blogging style. - Happy-go-lucky/dangerous blogger
This is kind of fun!
Warning: this might happen to you if you read too much at bookstores. Especially you, Janielle!
A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.-Proverbs 20:4
We all want to, but we can't. We can, but we don't. We should, only if someone says so. We want to join in, to stand there without getting injured, without getting identified. We want to look at the pain, to experience the enthusiasm without being weak. It's an anomaly! "We all have someone that digs in us"-DIG The thing is, we have each other to look at while joining, so why not jump in?
Instructions : Paste the following on your blog and tag people to answer the questions below. Have them tag other people. Your tagged friends will answer the questions about you.
1. What is your friend’s name? - Iona
2. Jock, Geek, Prom King/Queen, Loner, Friendly, Flirtatious, Promiscuous. Pick the word from the list that best describes your friend. - jock
3. Choose 5 adjectives to describe your friend. - Humourous. (I may be a fluent English speaker but I do not know the meaning of adj and have no intention to google it) - Loud - Friendly - Brave - Harsh
4. What color do you think best associates with your friend? - Blue
5. In ten years time, where do you see your friend? - Working at a 9 to 5 job, still collecting ang pow. Just kidding. Probably with two kids in tow.
6. Describe your friend’s blogging style. - Kenny Sia.
I tag : (You guys don't have to tag other people) Khadijah Iona Cherylyn Bawanie