Saturday, August 11, 2007

"Keep the faith...or I'll pound you"-Sam C

Matthew 5:44,45
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Pemerintahan di Rom-bukti pembangunan tamadun

Pada mulanya, Rom diperintah oleh raja2 berkuasa mutlak berbangsa Etruscan. Masyarakat Latin yang mendiami Rom tidak menyenagi hal ini dan bangun memberontak dengan pemimpin golongan bangsawan yang digelar patrician. Selepas pemberontakan ini, pemerintahan dijalankan oleh dua orang konsul supaya kedua-dua pemimpin ini mempunyai kuasa yang sama.

Pemerintahan ini dipanggil Republik. Konsul dilantik Dewan Senat. Ahli Dewan Senat yang ingin menjadi konsul haruslah memegang jawatan sebagai pemimpin tentera atau praeotor dahulu. Ahli2 DS terdiri daripada golongan bangsawan. Konsul dibantu DS dalam hal2 pentadbiran. Segala keputusan DS akan diluluskan dahulu oleh Dewan Perhimpunan yang diwakili oleh semua rakyat Rom.

So basically, after the reign of the Etruscan kings, the Latin people memberontak. After that they decided to make two leaders who are called Konsul. Konsul (2 org pemimpin)-> Dewan Senat (bangsawan, praeotor) -> Dewan Perhimpunan (rakyat Rom) Definisi Republik: Negara yang ditadbir oleh wakil yang dipilih rakyat melalui pilihan raya dan diketuai seorang presiden.

Pompei is one of the places in Rome where there is proof of peningkatan tamadun-it's a very selesa place for kediaman because it has a rumah ibadat, the colloseum, a makhamah and a library.

One bukti peningkatan civilisation in Rome is their sistem terusan. This sistem terusan air membolehkan rakyat Rom mendapat bekalan air secara berterusan semasa perang dan keamanan. You know why? 'Cos it's UNDERGROUND. It involves 14 cities.

Apparently, the SMS service for the NS checks are unreliable. So, go check the website which is currently jammed to be sure.

IONA!!! I'm going to miss you....r hair a lot when you're gone! And I just realised something-Iona kena NS, Fiona also kena! AHAHAHAHA it rhymed...In case you still can't see it, Iona is one F short of Fiona.

Gosh! I just realised that 4 out of 6 people in this picture are chosen for NS! That's like...2 out of 3!

Ai yor...I'm already missing Iona and Cherylyn and YX lah...and their hair...separation must be hard. AHAHAHAHA. Iona sent me the mailing address for her NS site already:
Hutan di Kwsn Tenggara Penisular Malaysia,
Lebuh Monyet,
xxxxx Sektor 41 (classified)

And this is what K said:
Khadijah says:
Sherwin said he didn't get.
Khadijah says:
but he said something like this..
Khadijah says:
"If this is ever going to make you feel better, i heard if you die in the camp, government is going to pay you 30-35K"
Khadijah says:
like that ever going to make it any easier.
Sha says:
Khadijah says:
I won't even be able to SEE the money.
Khadijah says:
let alone SPEND it.

On another note, Convent is paying my school to lend them some of our boys for choir. Which got me thinking. Why isn't our school sending a team to compete in the competition, if Convent is sending one?

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