Thursday, October 15, 2009

thursday, 15th october 2009

1. Currently waiting for Iona to e-mail the assignment, so I can touch up and add a conclusion to it, print it out tomorrow and hand it in. >< And I did not do the bonus paper, even though it's 10% extra over the total grade.

2. This year, I took 5+5+2 subjects. That's 12 subjects out of the 44 that I need to take in my degree course. About 25%. Imagine if I took up the call of National Service for three months...Anyway, I am glad and very thankful to God for His grace and provision. Without it, I will not be able to survive the few strenous semesters that have exposed me to various new experiences. Thank You :)

3. Today was a last hanging out day with Sam before she goes back to Singapore. She will be back on the day GYCamp09 starts. Ah, I will miss her nonsensical humor and her adorably cute baby face.

4. In a few weeks' time, my semester will end, and I will be left with roughly two months to fill with productive and beneficial activities. I do wish I could draw and paint all day long, write in journals and take photographs, but there are stuff that need to be done first. Like, you know, growing up and getting a job.

5. While reading a blog, I was remembered of Joyce's antics after her encounter with several emo people. Then I found out the correct term for the emo-ers - drama queens.

6. We all need to be reminded daily how fragile life is. We shouldn't wait till a near death experience occurs for us to value life. Never waste your time being emo, unless it helps you to live life.

The greatness of a leader is in his humility before God, not in his eloquence
before man.

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