Tuesday, October 13, 2009

grinded daily?

So EF, Iona and I headed to Bangsar the other day (will tell WHY IF we get it :P) and spotted a quaint little restaurant/bar at the corner of a street and decided to pop in there to check it out.

The charming ambience with its wood-infused cosiness took us over and we took a booth seat at the end of the shop.

The Daily Grind located in Bangsar is well known for its freshly made 50 ringgit a pop burger. Unfortunately our stomachs and our wallets couldn't stomach it (haha) so the three of us opted for tea time snacks.

Iona was in love with a Red Velvet cake.

It was hard and crumbly, tasted somewhat sweet and the butter frosting was....butter. Pure butter, tasted like it. When she asked the waitress what kind of cake it was, the waitress replied "Red sugar cake." "What kind, I mean? Butter, or..." "Red sugar cake."

The 10% service charge, once again, pointless and wasteful. Aiyoyo, train the staff with more product knowledge can a not. I know it's a bar but you sell food also ma.

The other snack we had was the corn bread with onion gravy.

I liked the warm smell of the bread and the generous sprinkling of corn bits, but the dish on its own was downright BLAH. Had to add lots of salt and pepper to taste.

Iona loved the strong iced latte (thumbs up from me too) and the malt and peanut butter milkshake was divinely thick and tasty. Nyum.

The bill came up to 60++ for two snacks and two drinks.

1 comment:

bloody awful poetry said...

I was already in love with the velvet cake thing.
But malt peanut butter milkshake? I kind of died and went to heaven kejap.