Thursday, June 19, 2008

coldplay's looking up here! the picture should be a blog header.

Coldplay is very well-known in the alternative rock category. Juno Award, MTV Awards, Brit Awards, Grammies and even a Mercury Prize nomination-is there anything they cannot do? Rap, you say? Been there, done that. I hope Chris Martins' collaborations with Jay-Z and Kanye West ring a bell. 15th June 2008 marked the release of another epic production by EMI and Parlophone records by one of their biggest cash cows. That's right folks, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends is now available for the listening pleasure of Malaysian Coldplayers. This time round, Coldplay shakes off its X & Y vibes and obtains a newer sound inspired by South America, Spain, Mexico-the places they've went for their last worldwide tour. Speaking of globe-trotting, there is a slight possibility that the quartet will touch Malaysian soil for the first time! Not for a concert, but for the MTV Asia Music Awards.

So, after countless times of having Singapore, Bali, Jakarta and Bangkok as the venue, the Powers That Be have decided on Genting Highlands as the venue for this year's international and regional awards show. I think I heard a "Finally!" sigh by KL yuppies and Malaysian music lovers. Guest list, you say? Think big to moderate names in the music industry in the past year: Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Justin Timberlake. Those are my personal predictions, not the official guest list. Rest assured, groupies are already putting their heads together to decide the best way to kidnap (or starnap) JT at the awards. One confirmed celebrity who will be there is Jared Leto, lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars. This piece of news has made countless fangirls faint and fanguys going "Oh goody!". Brace yourselves because we're going to be seeing a lot of Leto since he is the host of the annual music awards.

There is an 8% possibility of Coldplay touching down on Malaysian soil for the first time, since they are due to perform in Japan for the Summer Sonic Festival as part of their Viva La Vida world tour. The Japan dates are August 9 and 10, and the MTV Asia Awards are on August 2. Don't keep your hopes up, though-celebrities are known to be single tracked. Case in point: Just last year, Gwen Stefani had a concert on Monday, and Akon performed at a fireworks festival in Putrajaya on the Saturday before that. Yours truly was expecting Akon to show up at Gwen's concert for a Sweet Escape duet to make her maiden concert in Malaysia sweeter than your usual teh tarik, but there was no sign of him.

On other music news, Weezer's Pork and Beans video on YouTube has attracted a male viewership of 65%. Why am I saying this? Weezer's marketing team did not know this until recently. So you see, YouTube is not only an entertainment outlet, it is also a marketing tool. Spin Madonna's Hard Candy if you need some background party music, and watch out for Gnarls Barkley's latest album, The Odd Couple. It's no St. Elsewhere, but it's something, alright. According to sources, their latest offering is full of rhythmic sad songs. Nothing Crazy, of course.


When I first heard their single, Going On, I thought it kind of mirrored Black Eyed Pea's Pump It rhythmically. The music video to this song (filmed in Jamaica) makes this writer want to shed a tear for no apparent reason!

Looking over to Hollywood now, Get Smart has been released in theaters. Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, The Rock and even Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) star in this big screen remake of the 70s TV show. Steve Carell plays a bumbling agent in this movie, and is assisted by the ever-lovely Agent 99 (Hathaway). Did you know that Jennifer Love Hewitt (Ghost Whisperer) and Rachel McAdams (Mean Girls) were considered for the part of Agent 99? Get Smart is not your usual agent double-oh-seven flick. One look at the movie posters confirms this.

Kungfu what? The next Pixar/Disney animation, WALL-E, will zap mister Kung Fu Panda into oblivion. WALL-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter -- Earth-Class. All I got for you is the line
"What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off?"
Sounds lonely and ET-esque, doesn't it? There's more. He is on a journey across the universe with a few misfit robots. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, anyone?

Coming soon is also Hancock, Will Smith's latest offering about a superhero who has lost public favour. The trailer offers much promise for this movie directed by Peter Berg, who is also an actor and writer.
The Happening adds street cred to M. Night Shyamalan. Lady in the What? No one remembers his last flop now.
Mid terms over and you find your nights strangely free?
(pic taken from, comprehensive and analytical. WOOT!)
Fret not. Dr. Gregory House is back with a roomful of interns (which is SO Grey's Anatomy) on AXN, Detective Mac Taylor and team are back for another season of crime, grime and love. You heard it right, CSI:New York has finally toed the line before they jump the shark. Desperate Housewives may be ending their latest season soon on 8TV but Media Prima (who owns TV3, NTV7 and 8TV) will make it up to you with a new season of Grey's Anatomy and season one of Private Practice on NTV7.

The format for today's post sounds weird, doesn't it? Well, you'll know why soon enough, if an e-version of it ever appears somewhere else other than here.

Gnarls Barkley's Going On


Anonymous said...


You're good at writing in the entertainment magazine style! I don't think I can ever write like this.

Good job! I hope it appears somewhere else. =)

aisha said...

Thanks for the compliments! The secret is in writing about something you like, and doing it routinely. I'm sure you do that too =P