Thursday, May 22, 2008


I got tagged by Bloody Awful Poetry. One of the most self-indulgent tags ever, and you can view it here: The Pointless 100

I've finally watched Violet Hill and it is beautifully crafted. Can't wait to see it on TV.


bloody awful poetry said...

Whoa. You actually created a whole new blog for the purposes of the tag?
I don't know what to say...

bloody awful poetry said...

Your welcome!

#3-I don't really, either, but I must say I do enjoy quite a few of their songs.Especially the cover versions.

#10-I think I grew out of Linkin Park when I was 14. The year I discovered Coldplay's A Rush Of Blood.

#22-Tell me about it. At least we have the CDs, though =)

#25- Goddness, why ever not?

#32- Isn't Jason Castro the most beautiful boy you've ever seen? Very feminine type. Excessively pretty.Jealousnye aku.

#40- Touch My Body. The worst part is listening to Mariah's interviews and hearing her talk about the song ;"It has such deep meaning in my life".

#43- Goodness, I don't know what the Idol stylists did to him, but the man looks FINE these days!

#48- Watch the whole thing.

#50- I love Dummy too!It's so adorable!

#55- I know, man. Was totally waiting for it to be over. I understand why the other members of the band were so relieved to be skulking in the shadows.

#61- High five.

#96- You'll like mine too.

#99- Me too! But I'll keep watching it anyway, just to see if it ever goets back to its original high standards.