Wednesday, May 21, 2008


a)Viva La Vida (the new single) is available on iTunes and imeem. Sadly, only cover versions are available on YouTube.

b)Violet Hill has two music videos.
1. This is the Violet Hill MV with dancing politicians. Honestly, I found it rather tacky and somewhat tasteless but it all has a very deep US political message which I found ridiculous, since Coldplay is British.

If you find that everything's too mundane, jump to the end where Chris Martin sings the last lines with the piano only. That is a masterpiece in itself.

2. The official Violet Hill MV is not yet available on YouTube but you can view it here. From what I dug up, this was shot in Italy.
-It's not loading very quickly and will be available for mass consumption on channels 713 and 714 pretty soon.


bloody awful poetry said...

I can't actually watch those videos, my compooper is one screwed up piece of junk. I will, however, be stalking MTV in a very stalkerish manner until they start playing Violet Hills to death, and then two months later consign it to the Bottomless Pit Of Oblivious Oblivion (Music Videos Branch).

aisha said...

Haha, all computers nowadays are screwed up pieces of junk when it comes to certain stuff.

Good to know you're organized in your Bottomless Pit, mine's always jumbled up 'cos I don't go back there often.