Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the chatbox is polluted enough (replies)

Khadijah: but then again, why stop at a brinjal? Let's shove all of the society's reaction up its arse.

Shannon: Like Khadijah puts it, put yourself in the parent's shoes.
Your child has been missing for over a month.
You don't know whether or not she's taking her medication, and you don't know if she's crying for you day and night.
You don't know if she's in harms' way.
You don't know what she's into now.
You pray to God every single moment of the day that she IS alive and safe somewhere.
Your family members also pray.
All of you have hopes that she'll be back before Hari Raya.
You're just expecting her to walk through that door and say "Assalamualaikum!".
Then you get the news that the body in the bag may be her.
What would you do?

However I have to agree with you that the government is "truly lacking" in some ways-like how they informed the media first that the DNA matched Nurin before informing the parents.
And now they're going to charge the parents! How idiotic is that action? What about the case of the mother who locked her daughter in a cage? What does SHE get?
And yes, life is not fair but in the end, God's judgement will be.

Nisha: Yes, you do have a point: we DO pray for those who persecute us. Anyway, I don't hate the beast who did this to Nurin, I just dislike the beast with Great Intensity.
The problem with us is that we're humans, we're bound to be hypocritical at times.
Also, sometimes I think (deep down) that the justice system will not bring justice in this case, because Nurin was a girl of eight who barely got to know what's life all about.
Brutally assaulted and murdered she was, and yes, she is in heaven, as her dad puts it, by a very insane way.

Her killer, no matter how much the society spits on him will not...what's the word...menyesal. Pembunuhan itu sesuatu yang kejam. Bagi saya, saya amat berharap bahawa masalah ini merupakan mimpi yang buruk, tetapi realiti ialah realiti dan kita tidak boleh mengelakkannya.

Tetapi kata-kata awak, Nisha, memberi segulung harapan kepada saya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia bahawa apa-apa pun yang berlaku, Tuhanlah yang berada di tempat duduk pemandu di Bumi ini dan kita tidak perlu berbuat apa-apa selain daripada berdoa untuk kekuatan dari segi fizikal, mental dan iman untuk keluarga Nurin.

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