Wednesday, July 27, 2011

what do you care most about?

so many things happened today. well, not many, but two major things, and since my days normally pass without major happenings like a Macy's Thanksgiving parade or a Citrawarna float (ongoing inside joke with myself), two is a lot. I want to tell my friends all about it but since i don't be seeing them very often, i always tell my family first :) and God. He knows what's happening, and i'm so very glad i get to share it with Him!*

so many things to do but here i am blogging! only ten minutes, i promise.

reza salleh + liyana fizi at empire this friday night. D, you want to go anot?

*i've been thinking about how people (myself included) think about God's gender. is God a male entity or a female entity? then it got me thinking that God can't be male, because females are so complex, and our bodily functions differ vastly from that of males, and since only females understand each other fully, God must have some sort of femininity in Him. then i thought i can't possibly generalize everything. just because we humans live with a boundary called "gender" (and other such subsequent boundaries as "occupation", "age", "education", "income", "demographic" etc) doesn't mean God is subject to said boundaries. amen? think of it this way: God has to be both male and female to be able to make males and females so unique and detailed as they are.

besides, the pressing issue here is NOT what gender you think God is. it's what you think of God, and what you make of Him in your life.

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