Saturday, May 29, 2010

hoeegarden, B52, JD + coke

Hey boys and girls!

I am covered with rashes all over. Red splotches that seem to itch every second. I've been smothering myself with calamine lotion, but the pain is relieved only for a while.

Where did I get the rashes, you ask? From alcohol consumption! That's right. See, when your body is not used to foreign substances (especially substances that can make you high), and you consume it, naturally your body's defense mechanism will kick in. In other words, an alllergic reaction that saves your life. Awesome, huh?

Well, I am here to tell you NOT to go around drinking alcohol excessively, 'cos it ain't cool and it's not the only thing that can give you a temporary high. (window shopping has a similar effect, but less harmful)

And as I have someone in my family who is dependent on alcohol every night, I THINK I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SAY WHAT I'M SAYING NOW-think before you down that drink.

People everywhere cover up their sorrows with so many things-music, movies, food, clothes, online gaming-and all these are bad for you in the long run. Temporal highs do not bring you very far. I am still struggling with some of these addictions myself, and as I love you young people very much, I am telling you, don't get too involved with things that are not worth it.

Happiness depends on happenings. Joy comes from the LORD.

(I'm truly sorry for you if you think I am condemning your lifestyle. This is by far one of the hardest issues to tackle-if I seem insensitive to you, you may take it as an offense. Take it as you may. I am not trying to change you, I am just sharing my views on certain things that destroys people's lives.)

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