Thursday, April 22, 2010

first impressions count?

Everytime I blog about an issue, I don't just convict the reader who reads - I am doubly convicted by what I write. That's God's word for you - going out and never coming back empty!

img from

Whenever we (myself included) meet new people, our mind goes to overdrive trying to place him/her in a box, with a label, and perhaps a subcategory. This is a learned thing - we learn it because it's not safe to trust everyone you meet. In the simplest way possible, we judge because we are afraid, we are fearful, perhaps even secretly terrified of what a stranger may be.

Sorry to say, we cannot go around judging others for the rest of our lives. We cannot meet new people and expect them to be holding a butcher's knife behind their back. We cannot know who a person is in 5 seconds!

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

If you judge a person by a standard, be prepared to be judged by that very standard as well, Jesus said.

I shall try to stop putting people into boxes and subcategories based on first impression. Are you with me?

Best sermon ever:

Matthew 5
Matthew 6
Matthew 7


Wee Han said...

To (fire-ry place beneath) with LABELS and CATEGORIES! :D me sickey of it, me no likey of it, ever!

I'm with you!

Jonathan said...

We cannot know someone in 5 seconds but I can choose to not to want to be with that someone.