Wednesday, July 29, 2009


19th July 2009
Port Klang Seafood Restaurant
Caleb's (sort of) homecoming

Caleb, the bringer of lobsters flanked by two lovely ladies. Kam xia Caleb!

You guys wanna see a picture worth a million $$$?

Wee Han avoids the camera for the very first time in his life!


Because of THIS!

Phobia of crustaceans. Look at the picture below. He won't even look into the camera (conveniently behind the lobster)

It was lip smackingly tasty.

Wee Han was disturbed when I answered a call from the sea using the iLobsterphone.

He was scarred for life when Janelle requested for 4D numbers by rubbing the lobsters' eye. *squeek squeek!*

Group piggy piccie!

It took me half an hour to load the pictures. There are pictures on FB too.

1 comment:

Iona Tan said...

LOL when I saw the title I was so afraid u were gonna go lalalalabster by accident XD

So slow to load, but yay happy pretty pictures! Lol at ur handphone :P