Tuesday, June 23, 2009

there's a niche market of heavy metal/rock bands doing covers of pop songs

A Static Lullaby (heavy metal band) took a spin on Britney's Toxic and this guy lip syncs to that cover.
I must say, this cover is awesome. And it's hard for me to call something awesome.
The guy on the bottom left corner is stoned xD

I found the following video on Iona's blog.
VocaPeople is an Israeli acapella group.
The latex on their faces looks like a gimmick.
Their singing is awesome though.

While we're at it, check out Nintendo's choir.
The Super Mario theme is so cute!

And you won't believe how many straight faced people are singing Spider Pig (from The Simpsons Movie) in a choir and uploading the video to YouTube.

1 comment:

chelseaorange said...

a static lullaby rocks. i love 'the art of sharing lovers'

i love punk covers of pop songs T_T i ripped loads of youtube i am such a thief