Wednesday, June 3, 2009

glass of water

I is currently reading

Heh heh make me look smart leh?

I thought I was going to have a bad day today :(

the universe is conspiring against me! Oh noes D: *throws drama queen fit*
But only we ourselves have the power to make a day happy/bad. :DD

So after remembering what i read in The Alchemist, I went on to eat my favorite lunch, nasi campur mamak with deep fried bitter gourd oh so fattening which only cost RM 3.80 (cheap by my standard. RM 3.90 would be pushing it) and completed a few pages of music assignment at home.
*victory dance*

Ah, i am easily amused.
Oh, and class was cancelled xD

thank you google images

PS: of course, the secret to our own happiness has already been in the bible for the longest time ever, just that people refuse to credit it so as to believe that they themselves have "created" the power of the universe conspiring to help them in all that they want.
however, i believe that paulo coelho knows about this. rhonda, on the other hand...

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