Monday, April 27, 2009

books and stuff

There's only two words to describe the weather these days:
Panas. Menggila.

Which isn't a bad thing, you know. Flowers on trees only bloom in heat. The same heat that would have caused weeds to shrink catalyses the flower's bloom. Amazing? That's God in nature for you.

They are such a lovely sight, no? Likewise, we as humans are only beautiful when we triumph over impossible situations we face in life.


Remember the time, we forgot to take the parking token from a friend who left early, and we tried to get another from the entrance and tried to cover the CCTV, and had to cook up an excuse about forgetting where we parked the car when the security guard drove by in his little motorized cart?
Haha, I still grin over it.


Did you know that as people in a social setting, we only act by a certain way our counterparts do? It's called the reciprocal determination in psychology. Our actions are motivated by the actions of our counterparts first.

Like, if I show you respect and love, you will do the same to me. But if I call you something nasty, you will retaliate by calling me something nasty too.

So, in conclusion, we should stop all the bull crapping and start showing respect instead of demanding it. Who gave us the right to demand for respect, anyway?


The first piece of literature about a chick (but wasn't a chick lit) I ever read was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. The abridged (cut down short-short for students) version was in the school library.

I was so intrigued by the storyline that I went out and bought the unabridged version from MPH. It's REALLY REALLY LONG and REALLY REALLY draggy and cost around 10 bucks. Back in the days (1800s), authors wrote really long stuff.

But the book, it's one of the best i've ever read, besides J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan.
I've been on a lookout for the 1996 movie version of Jane Eyre and thanks to YouTube, I'm not anymore! Hahahaha.
It's all too long to load and watch though. So i skipped straight to the last 5 minutes.

As I grow older, books don't seem to hold the same allure as it did. Kinda sad. But I did saw this book by an author Joyce likes, Haruki Murakami in Popular a few weeks ago. SO EMO MAN. A Wild Sheep Chase.

thank you google for the pic

Speaking of emo. I cannot read through a Jodi Picoult book without feeling down in the dumps afterwards. Really! The Pact was alright and all, but it was really really....pointless.

My Sister's Keeper seems nice and thought-provoking, but halfway through the mood turns more sombre and dark. So naturally, i didn't finish the book.

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