Thursday, March 12, 2009

what's your purpose?

Do you know what they say happens to you when you grow old?
Like retirement old. Like nursing home old. Like senior old.

They say it's the only time you seek spiritual encounter with a higher being.
They say it's the only time you search for forgiveness for all the sins you've done along the long way of life.
They say it's the only time you give your all to God.

Why is it that we wait till the end of our lives on earth to seek spiritual attainment?

What is stopping us from finding out our purpose in life at a young age?

Perhaps it is the pace of the world.

There is a form of pleasure that we derive from the we-want-it-and-we-want-it-now syndrome. That pleasure numbs. And it clouds.
Believe me, if there's one thing that pleasure cannot do, it cannot give true pleasure.

Personally, I can thank God that I've found what I need to live life to the fullest.
And I found it when I wasn't even looking for it. Well, maybe it found me. The leading hand of God, you may call it.

It's been almost three years since my first encounter with GOD.

The first time I felt His presence was when I was avoiding Him the most. Long story.

Along the three years, I've found out that to live life to the fullest ISN'T
to get a high paying job
to find "The One"
to make a family
to carry out religious duties and obligations

1. knowing who God is
2. knowing what God wants you to do in this life

was all that was needed to live life to the fullest.

As Rick Warren said, Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal. The show will start when our life here ends-and it starts in Heaven.

Take time to learn about your beliefs. Challenge them if you must.
And remember to seek God through it all.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,
he gave them the right to become children of God-
children born not of natural descent,
not of human decision or a husband's will,
but born of God.

-John 1:12-13

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