Saturday, January 10, 2009

dear diary

Dear diary. Today I went ice skating with Iona, Sam and her sisters and friend. It was very fun but the lack of Zamboni meant that the ice had little indentations in it from the skates, and puddles of water was everywhere.

Dear diary, I am not a big fan of the people who skate really fast and brake on ice till it splashes to show off. One guy skated really fast past me. Then the physics law, the one about the fast air moving in a small area came to pass, and I fell.

Dear diary, something funny happened on ice too. Iona saw this happen. As i was skating, a guy fell down in front of me. Then he pulled down another guy. And they were blocking my path. But I squeezed past them in a really really small place between their feet.
It looks funnier than it sounds. =)

Ok i have to go sleep now. Bye bye diary.

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