Friday, December 26, 2008

well, it's still sugar

Late one Friday night while working, Iona appeared in front of me with two small black boxes from Khadi.

And what should they hold but Cuppacakes by Wondermilk?!
These eight mini cupcakes were Khadi's "congratulations for passing your driving!" gift.

I ended up sharing them with my co-workers. The small tutus vanished in one bite.

And that was my first encounter with designer cupcakes.

And yes, the boxes are adorable-you will be unwilling to throw them away yourself. So, I turned them into...vanity boxes!

One for the earrings...

...and one for skincare products.


Iona Tan said...


See, it's almost this maternal "thing" women do, keep cute boxes with something/nothing in them! I also had that impulse to keep them super-chio boxes, but they got trashed. Bro was very clumsy to the cream lined the box D:

aisha said...

We call it The Box Syndrome.

You should've wiped them with damp cloth! That's what I did cos the oil from the cream seeped onto the base.