Sunday, May 18, 2008

strange behaviours

Yeah yeah I know how many more months there are to Christmas. It's what.

Picture taken at Subang Parade during Christmas 2007. The carollers were from SMK Damansara Jaya or Subang Utama.

She speaks in a language that I don't speak. It's obviously mysterious but then again, why bother talking to the mysterious? Sometimes it just gets on my nerves but we all have to come to the realization that some of us are just....chemically imbalanced. I admit that I am chemically imbalanced myself.

Blue, blue, black and know what, I think it's very unfair to treat other people worse than how you would treat your close friends. Imagine if that person is some intelligent human being who was an indigo kid (google it up) and was shunned by the society. Gosh, that'd be utterly devastating.

By the way. I've never encountered any, but people who flame others through their blogs or chatboxes are just...totally chemically imbalanced (read: nutsy coockoo). What do I have to do to stop them from flaming the people I love? Make a "LEAVE *insert name here* ALONE!" video?
Petition for a more peeaceful blogsphere?
Ban chatboxes?
Whatever lah. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, eh? And ignorance of the idiotics is bliss.

On another note...English 120 requires us to group up for a research paper. Research paper. Exciting, no? Unfortunately, as much as my brains are exploding with ideas for the research paper I cannot get started on it (due August) until and unless I get someone to partner with. These are the ideas:

Local music VS Imports
Child Prodigies
"Sustainable Development"

Pah! Sustainable development my *insert obscene word here*. As if that will ever happen in this century. Everyone's too absorbed in their own little iPod and podcast-chasing society to develop sustainably.

To end this post, let's take a look at Christian Siriano's poofy sleeved outfit he made for his appearance on Ugly Betty.

"The House of Siriano has arrived!"

Obviously it's going to be auctioned off for some greater good/cause.


bloody awful poetry said...

Oh I love that postsecret site!
And slap me, I don't watch Project Runway. But I do watch Ugly Betty. It's the most ridiculously awesomely frivolous show ever!!

Timothy Chen said...

I love Amanda... Lol... She is so BITCHY and HAWT!