Wednesday, April 2, 2008

YOU...are on my mind.

I am not a cynic. I believe in love but I don't believe it's necessary to find your spouse in your pre-teen age.

To be honest. Let's put it this way. For you kids right, if you have this boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm sure you'd spend hours on end, days and mintues, even seconds unseparated. You'd have each other on your minds, thinking thinking thinking about what the future holds (cheh so cliched), what you two could become.

Thinking about the promises both of you make to one another. Thinking and proclaiming your undying love and steadfast faithfulness towards each other (wah so poetic), close to worshipping one another by means of pictures, videos, scrapbooks and public displays of affection.

Now. Imagine this.

You guys fight.

A break up ensues.

You heart *cough* breaks.

You stumble into *cough* darkness.

Your blog posts are dotted with black backgrounds, songs about break up, images of broken hearts in various colors and photos of your sad face. And you do the most unimaginable thing: You delete your blog because it holds too much memories. (OK, so that's not drastic and it wouldn't change the rotation of the Earth one tiny bit, but it proves that you don't think deep)

How can you prevent this from happening, you ask?


Don't get in too deep.
You won't know what you'd get yourself into, and you'd get yourself out of that stuff earlier.

Be smart.

YOU can make a difference.

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