Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a photo post of the day we got our results (SPM07)

First I bumped into Peter Petrelli. He was looking for Claire... she is, looking like a tanned Paris Hilton. Who cares, she's hot anyway.

And Leny was wearing her very own pair of personalized jeans:

It's sort of dissapointing to skip the celebration/mourning session with my friends after we got the reults. (I had to attend a food handling safety course at PJ)

At the very least, Mimie suffered the same fate as I-we both did not have the time to spend with our friends, and some just came home from NS or will be going to NS soon. She and I complained in the same car-which was decorated like this: (Cute, I know)

At the venue, somewhere in PJ:

Most of us already had our blueprint for the course. It went something like ZZZZzzzz...while facing this diagram:

(The funny thing was, the officer in charge commented that "All germs are Malays" because the dead germ had a Malay tombstone-see the top picture, which I thought was so LOL)

She had a broken lipstick...and this was the fairly artistic result:

Once the course ended, our Chinese D.Manager was heard quoting "Alhamdullilah!"

As we exited the buidling, rain was still falling. Cue Umbrella.

The place is really close to Malaysian Institute of Bakery (MIB). In case you don't know, they were the ones giving out free cakes and breads during the education fair by The Star at KLCC in January.
Mimie and I went there and saw people behind glass walls baking and decorating-really pretty cakes and cupcakes that will make you go "OOooh!"

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