Sunday, December 2, 2007

awan larat

December 1 was World AIDS Day. Did you know that?

Here are some facts from UNICEF:
HIV is not transmitted by everyday contact.
HIV is not transmitted by: hugging, shaking hands; casual, everyday contact; using swimming pools, toilet seats; sharing bed linens, eating utensils, food; mosquito and other insect bites; coughing, sneezing.

Everyone deserves compassion and support.
Discriminating against people who are infected with HIV or anyone thought to be at risk of infection violates individual human rights and endangers public health.
Everyone infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS deserves compassion and support. (Article 2 of the Convention on the rights of the child).

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GAAAAAHHH I've felt 32 kinds of stress in the last two days. 32! That is a new record.
Well. I went to pre-camp. The powers that be said that they were extra hard working this year, having cybercops and all to watch what we were doing. I bet they used the Google blogs. (I use it all the time HAHAHA)

Tuesday is the last paper then I will be off with a minimal amount of cash to look for crucial objects I might need for this one week or two. Hmm. Today's the 2nd. Anybody put their Xmas tree up yet?

The news that I kena came to me about 25 minutes before the meeting started.
Was I angry? Yes. Some were informed during VBS itself, so obviously being the person that I am, I do feel left out. Why is it that they know earlier? Why couldn't everyone be notified at the same time?
By them being notified DAYS earlier, they had a BIG headstart and could've even started on the tags already. Goodness.
This is so sad. I need a free canvas. And some free Swarvoski diamonds. HAHAHA.

I will be off to D.I.E!!! with many other people.
And Sam, if you're wondering, yes, I AM mad at you. In a good way. Deep down inside I am asking myself, "Since when did your friends become more important than God?".

God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of Christ Jesus.-Galatians 6:14

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