Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The title isn't an error.

Today at Physics tuition, I met Khadijah, Azura, Meena and Cherylyn.
We learnt that


Stay away from radioactive cows!

In the afternoon D and K and I talked about Sejarah, which I personally thought was VERY interesting. Did you know that Umar bin al-Khattab (khalifah yang kedua) was a very garang person? And Jesus is known as Nabi Isa, which if you add "ac" to the back it becomes Isaac, which becomes Ismail. LOL.

Iona (chorotivity.blogspot.com) got all emotional and made a sort of farewell post to everyone she knew. That was DEEP.

We also went to watch Hairspray. I am not a fan of it but I am not as disgusted as she is. Come on, even obese people have the right to shake their moneymaker in movies right? Especially if they are good at it. But I will see Iona through her threading process before she gets married.

I thought the clothes were 60s, although the latar tempat should have been more.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.-Romans 12:18

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