Monday, June 18, 2007

everyone needs that slice of popularity/attention they seek

We're supposed to have a full-dress rehearsal tomorrow. Cherylyn says that we, the morning session, shall not have to attend the morning assembly.
Iona: What's red, pink and yellow all over?
Me: What?
Iona: Cherylyn murdering us when she sees us at perhimpunan tomorrow.

Honestly speaking I'm very tired of the choir but I will miss it next year. It's been a great experience so far and I'm glad to see that the younger ones are responsible and full of fun enough to carry on next year's. Cherylyn might have to come back for Form 6 next year to carry on the lineage. HAHAHA. I tell you, some of us in the choir will have to be hospitalised for exhaustion after the competition.

On another note, as I was walking from the Form 3 block which was adjacent to the Dewan Makan, I saw a flash of pale pink and an oddly-proportioned top of a woman. Oh, it was just Levin in a woman's attire. Orientation week looks fun. It always is. LOLOL.

Happy fathers' day! You are the cool father and I am blessed to be your daughter. Happy father dayS.

I was reading the Sejarah text book just now and I saw that the name "Rentap" actually means "penggoncang dunia". Hmm....doesn't that translate to PlanetShakers? LOLOLOL. Rentap Malaysia. Speaking of penggoncang dunia, my sister went to the Planet Shakers concert yesterday. Lorna told me Nisha saw her, which was weird. I remembered Nisha saying she would see me at GHM which never occured...LOLOL. Piece two and two together lah. I think Nisha also went for Hillsongs last Sunday. Fun right?

Anyway, my sister bought the Arise CD and got it autographed. When she came back, I asked, very politely if she could pretty please play the CD. Well, obviously she said NO. She wouldn't even let me touch the CD case or the small paper thing in the case. It's not like I expected her to say "Go ahead and listen to the CD!" because she said no when I asked her if I could TOUCH the Fall Out Boy, Avril Lavigne, 30 Seconds To Mars and All-American Rejects CD which are in her possesion. Touch only okay! Not even LISTEN to the CD yet. That girl is....materialistic. Wasn't Madonna materialistic? Luke 12:15 says "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possesions." from the Parable of the Rich Fool. The parable makes a lot of sense and is parallel to Matthew 6:19,20. If you're wondering why am I quoting scriptures it's because I want my sister to read them.

My new english teacher asked us to read Chapters 4 and 5 of The Pearl. I wonder what is the Spanish translation for "The Pearl". La Perla, maybe? HAHAHAHA I crack myself up. The Pearl is basically a very short story about a small family and a pearl but somehow it turns out to be this mudanely long and super-emo story due to the constant additions of "The song of the Evil", "The song of the Peace", "The song of the Pearl that Might Be" and other weird songs with weird names lah. I'll read it later. It's just revision 'cos I've already read the whole of The Pearl last year.

And also, there's this superbly weird video someone sent to me:

I have yet to see the whole thing as it takes an eternity to load. Still, it makes you wonder how people like that can stoop so low to cover their flaws by using a low tech camera phone to highlight that of others. Am I making sense? But it also shows that the person who posted the video loves the school a lot as the video comes up as a search result for the full name of the school. If you want to 'sabo' your school choir team oso do it with style a bit lah...But lookie here! We have a rating of 4 and a half stars. Woo hoo! We're so going to kick their -

PS: I just Wiki-ed La Perla. I thought La Perla was a brand of expensive lingerie. Seriously! Here: Ooh! I smell something nice wafting from the corridors!

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