Friday, September 30, 2011

if heaven is real, hell must be, too!

Taken from InsightsofGod

Take some time to read this. It's long, but you can speed read.


You know how sad it would be to live an evangelical Christian life in this earth, but not go to heaven when you die, and for your soul not to receive salvation? I think that today you have to meditate, and think over whether you are doing the will of God. If Christ comes today would you go with Him? I want to tell you with this call; Meditate on this today! Do I want to enter into the heavens? Does the Christian life that I am living please God? Today, it is still time to recognize your faults and to turn your heart to the Lord. If you are reading this today, today is the day to turn towards the Lord! Today is the day when you can accept Jesus as your personal savior and escape from the dungeons of hell.
You know some people think, “Well, it doesn't matter where I am going, it doesn't matter what will happen after this. I will enjoy this life.” But I can tell you, to enjoy this life is to walk hand in hand with Jesus Christ; to enjoy this life is spend the time in the house of the Lord. You do not enjoy this life in the bar, with liquor, or with women. You enjoy it in the house of the Lord. Unlike those who come to the house of the Lord just for some nice moments, we have to look for the Lord in spirit and in truth, asking Him for mercy for those who are still walking on roads of death and sin.

...We arrived at a place where a woman was acting like she was reading the Word of God, and preaching about John 3:16. She said: " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I asked the Lord, "Why is this woman here if she can remember what she preached about and she gave the gospel message? Why is she in this place?" He answered and said, "Because she could never forgive her husband; she never managed to forgive her husband." (Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.) I asked: "Lord is it so easy is to lose salvation?" That woman had been shepherding an evangelical church for 35 years. In that moment, her life was passing before her eyes, and she saw that she could never forgive her husband. Now she is begging for one more chance to forgive her husband. But I want to tell you, if you have problems with your husband or your wife, forgiveness is for today! Today is when you have to call him or her and say: "Forgive me or I forgive you for what you have done to me" Come to an agreement! (Matthew 5:25 Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison).

...How are you living your life? How do you want to spend eternity? I have a biological brother that says: "The day that I die, I will go to hell and let the demons poke me with the coals, and I will help the demons to poke the coals in the fire." But let me tell you that the judgment of the Lord has come upon him. While I am recording this message he is lying down with AIDS in his body, and is now begging God for a chance. He turned his heart to the Lord and converted because he does not think the same way anymore. Now he does not want to go that place of torment. Now, he doesn't find it easy to open his mouth and say that he will let the demons poke him with the coals. It is not the same to say I want to go there and be tormented, than to really be in that place of torment. Because of the mercy of God, my brother has accepted Jesus as the savior of his life. But I want to tell you something and listen to me carefully. My brother had the chance because that illness was progressing in his life. But how or when are you going to die? Will you have another opportunity besides this moment to ask the Lord to forgive you or will you die instantly without time to ask the Lord for forgiveness? Please meditate in this moment! How long your life will last?

... Listen to this! This is not a movie! This is not an invention or a fairy tale. This is something that really happened! This is something that happened in my life!

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