Thursday, March 17, 2011

pictures from apps and a message

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time since I last properly blogged on a regular basis. Hardy-Har-Har. This is just my short break from the assignments and whatnot that's washing over me on a daily basis. Presentations and assignments and tests back to back, it's not funny. I think I know what it's like to be an A-Levels student.

I will be resuming the regular schedule of assignments and projects tomorrow. Sometimes, you just need a break from all that, you know? Facebook's not a popular avenue anymore - even my subjects have their own FB group pages!

If Katy Perry's Firework plays in your brain after you see this picture, congratulations! You're similar to 99% of the population

Today I received an email from someone, who recommended some listening material. Another electronic message today also was very encouraging. =)

Time will pass by very quickly. It's important to know what you are doing on this earth, for the long run. I just lived through the past three weeks going through the motions! That was a harrowing experience, and I foresee more of it in the working life =_=

there's an app for everything - even a Fujifilm Instax app

Do you notice how many people get glued so often to the screens of their handheld devices, even when they're talking to others/eating dinner/in class/in the toilet/shopping/on a holiday? If I ever become like that, please punch me in the face, or something. Not only is that very short-attention-span, too long exposure to screens damage the body's natural state.

Too much light is bad for the cells. Especially at night.

the college library - or what's left of it, three weeks ago. it looks worse now.

Conclusion: work hard and play hard, send an email to a friend, don't use your smartphone too much, get off FB once in a while. It won't kill you (or me).

PPS: Please keep Japan and the Japanese in your prayers. Lord, meet their needs and bring to them the help that they need. Let your hand be upon them. Supply them their daily bread and be their strength. Restore to them their blessed hope, in Jesus' name.

According to the Bible, a person is on this earth for only a brief time. During that brief time, human beings live in a fallen, cursed earth -- surrounded by pain, suffering, and death. That, however, is not the final destination, nor is it the whole story. If one accepts the biblical explanation for pain and suffering, one can then take comfort in the fact that God is sovereign, that pain and suffering are temporal, and that (in the end) perfect justice will be established.

1 comment:

caffe_latte said...

Actually, no. A-levels (Cambridge A-Levels at least) don't have all the presentations and assignments and back to back tests nonsense. And you get to pick subjects you actually love. Best time of my life ;]

Leaving here proud of the fact that I don't know what Katy Perry's Fireworks sound like. I think Katy Perry's fine, but I can only listen to pop music once in a while, constant listening makes me unhappy. Hurrah BFM!

Take care, you. :)