Monday, January 24, 2011

why's she talking about this again

The problem with free thinking is that it leaves too much room for doubt. Doubt is a healthy thing. Anyone can tell you that. Doubt and questioning motives will lead people to the search for truth, but once you let it fester and grow and take over your every motive, I can tell you it will bring destruction and leads to death.

the truth is offensive

So. Free thinking. Every year there is a resurgence of this movement that propagates this school of thought. Free love, dah dah dah. Its ambassadors say that it's the excellent and only way to live, because it's tolerant and all-embracing. (If there's one word I find a pickle with, it's the word TOLERANCE.)

I was a free thinker once. When people asked me what I love the most, I would say "Life." Not music, not ice-cream, not race cars, not even God, but LIFE. I used to love that way of life, of loving life and living it to the fullest, doing what I loved best and ignoring what rubbed me the wrong way (read: preachy christians). I ignored questions that I couldn't answer and built my own idols within my life.

(You can ask anyone who hung out with me - my biggest gods were TV shows and Hollywood. =.= how sad)

But when I had that encounter with God and His holy presence at an evangelistic event, my life changed. I doubted (a-hah!) there and then that this "christian" God could change my life, but He did. He is not a "christian" God, by the way.

He is everybody's Maker, whose biggest gesture of love and affection to humankind was Jesus Christ.

Now I can see that what little of "life" I lived in the past was nothing but a man-made notion, ridiculous to the present me but life-giving to the past me. For those who are reading this who are looking for something more to life, I tell you, THERE IS.

Who I believe in now, and what I believe in, has more to do than this present life. I now know that I have a soul, and that soul has an eternal destiny in heaven, and my soul which was destined for hell the moment it was conceived (!) is REDEEMED by Jesus and His blood. Amen!


I'm not going to end this post with a "Receive Jesus or burn in hell!" call. It's a choice that, ultimately, you'll have to make yourself. And when you make that choice, you have to know for yourself WHY you are making that choice.

Whether you're a believer or not, just ponder on what Jesus said in John 14:

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is."