Sunday, July 25, 2010


"You're waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You can't be sure where it will take you. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together."

I don't like that line. It's so misleading in some ways. And very E.S.O.T.S.M.*. But Inception is one of my favorite movies this year. Marion and Leonardo would have pretty pretty children. J.G-L woohoo!

Gila. Christopher Nolan's IMDB page up 1,300% in popularity this week =_=

*eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


caffe_latte said...

I thought the love story between Dom and Mal was badly handled. It sort of lacked depth, and Ig et this 'there is something missing' feeling. Maybe it's because I'm not moved by their love story.
But that's probably the only complain I have with that movie.
And yeah, JG-L woohoo! I thought Ellen Page was good too. And after the movie, I was slightly obsessed with the architecture.
And SIGH, I haven't got around watching eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. I can't find a copy of the dvd anywhere =[

Jue. said...

hahaha i love J.G.L. too!! :P

Jue. said...

woohoo! i love J.G.L. too! ;P