Thursday, May 20, 2010

in case i forget

ZW recommended to watch this video. I'm not a fan of uber long videos, but this short movie is simply engaging.

'When Five Fell’

The heartfelt narrative, stunning imagery and hauntingly beautiful music. Another amazing short by Wong Fu Productions. This short is told from the perspective of five household objects, each expressing their feelings for their owner. And the objects represent people who have fallen in and out of love.

Glasses - “If I’m meant for anything, it is to show her the world.”
Telephone - “I wished I could have been there. Because stories aren’t always enough and words can only go so far.”
Umbrella - “If you hold my hand, I’ll be yours forever.”
Scarf - “Anyone can look from a distance; a stranger can look from a distance. What’s so special about that? But to know her scent, means something else. It means, we’ve been close.”
Cup - “Ask me what the perfect date tastes like, and I’ll say, her lips.”

The director’s notes:

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