Thursday, September 3, 2009

happy thursday

Because it's time to update.

The subjects
Western Civilization History-in a short semester-double ugh. The subject is so interesting to read about, but to learn the summary? In 8 weeks or less? With an American lecturer that goes at the speed of Tokyo bullet trains? Wow.

Business Systems and Analysis-no comments. Yet. Awesome timing though. 4-5.30 classes. Mmm hmmm. And Klang just had the traffic altered. Hello getting stuck in jams! Oh how i missed thee.

The people
I shall not say anything if and when I have nothing good to say.
Instead I shall throw my best wishes to all whom I have nothing and something against. Because we all have to be nice like that.

The obtainment of the previous semesters results
Dr Lim, please read this cos I don't have the passion to craft an official letter.

Registry: You cannot get your previous sem results unless you pay your new sem fees.
Student: Huh? What if I were to graduate this sem? And you guys still haven't sorted out your invoices yet! So how do I know how much I should pay? Anyway I have excellent credit with this college. So you don't have to worry about me running away after getting my results without settling my fees. So, can I at least check my results?
Registry: No.
Student: HAH? WHY?!
Registry: The system is like that.
Student pokes head with chopstick.
Registry: Next.

Kids, be thankful that in secondary school, you only have one person to deal with. Your class teacher.

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