Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hamlet by T4YP at KLPac

Sam, Iona and I went to Sentul using the train. About an hour's ride, coupled with the taxi ride from the train station to the Performing Arts Center.

As we approached the counter of the box office, the lady informed us with the eloquence of a rock, "Sohl-d out." Dissapointed and with heavy hearts, we stood sombrely outside the box office. Watching raindrops. Thinking about the long travelling distance we had to make to find out that the show was sold out.

iona pun ber-emo

Dogs are happy cures, so I went to play with one conveniently nearby who was with a lady, who was waiting for her daughter. Afterward, me, Sam and Iona went into the building and viewed an exhibition on death titled Exits and ogled at the dashing cast of Hamlet, whose photos were displayed at the foyer.

It was as if the mere sight of these polished cast motivated us to beg for seats. As we prepared to beg, Samantha overheard a couple of people saying their 3 students couldn't make it to the play...and so...

Praise the Lord! Phew! Thank you Jesus! Man I was laughing so hard on the inside because of the way things work out...

The stage wasn't a typical one dimensional stage, which made for entertaining entertainment. It had a few entrance/exit points and was literally surrounding the audience, so it created a feel that the audience was in the middle of the play.

Iona and I recognised some of the cast from their slot during the Urbanscapes. Like Chitra, the set is minimally bare and the lines are headachingly long. There was a slight movement among the audience as Hamlet (played by the panas Izrin Husein) spewed out the oh so famous line "To be or not to be,".

The story is quite easy to understand for language buffs, and the plot is a bit complicated at the beginning. I guess it's a pretty good play because they managed to shorten a 4 hour thing into 90 minutes.

Very little pictures because I was paying attention to the play.
We had a photoshoot afterwards though. Click here

Also, praise the Lord we went for the Saturday show, because we originally planned to go for the Sunday, but on Sunday it was Grace's surprise farewell:

have fun in UK!

also. happy birthday Malaysia! :D

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