Thursday, August 13, 2009

some tattoos are called tramp stamps for a reason.

I stumbled upon this on Zlwin's blog, who in turn stumbled upon Yoke Pei's:

I do not want a tongue piercing anymore!

Never! Yes, I am renouncing it publicly. Haha. Well, not that I was serious on getting one but yeah, I thought it was simply cool and all, you know. Ahaaa, until Bill Sudduth shared on Tattooing and Piercing yesterday. Thank God I was taught the ugly truth behind the ink and holes. Tongue piercing actually speaks I-Am-A-Lesbian. *gasp* I was not, am not and never will I be okay.

Generally, in the ancient days and even until today, tattoos are done as an act to gain power, acceptance and protection from the demonic spirits. And tattoos are often linked to prostitutions, convictions, slavery and perversion. A number of pictures were shown, from the Egyptian god Bes to the African's scarification, cicatrization and even, tongue slitting, ear plugging and lip plugging. The slides definitely freaked us out. Or at least, myself. Clearly, I was not exposed to things like this and it gave me a big, big shock. =O

I never thought that anyone would tattoo their face even! Yeah, a beautiful woman to have "goatee" on? And do you think it's worthy just because one finds pleasure in checking out the "amazed" look on their fellow friends when they proudly exhibit their slitted tongue? Very cool, huh? I looked at those pictures and I went all like, " What!? How sick can one be?" I'm sorry, I don't think it's cool at all.

Leviticus 19:28 -
"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put your tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD."

There are certainly some spiritual aspects that we must be aware of in the case of tattooing and piercing. God warned us not to impair the image He has created in us as our body is the Temple of God and shall be kept holy. When we allow the ink to seep into our blood stream or when we get our body pierced, we're actually opening the door for the evil. Our different body parts are like gates to our inner self. The ancestors used to get their face and body tattooed just to make them look more like the idols that they were worshiping. And eventhough they were from different nations, we could see the resemblance in the designs of the tattoos. Coincidence, you think? No, it's the work of the Satan who came to steal, kill and destroy. To make God's people like you and me to fall into sins as such to worship and carry the image of idols instead. And now that the end days are near, we have to be extremely cautious in overcoming this growing "culture".

God doesn't want us to condemn ourselves, to condemn the way He formed us. However, the permanent marks are made to mar the body, a reckless act to allow the unrighteous take charge of us and as a sign of rebellion against God. Oh, and there's no such thing as a Christian tattoo at all. The Lord is the LORD. He does not need a tattoo of the cross on our arm to be glorified. It does not make us a Christian either. Jesus paid the price for us on the cross and rose again. We're made pure by faith and He looks deep into the beauty of our heart. It is the heart of worship and the passion to serve that He's searching for.

You may say, "Come on lah, tattoo's just an artwork!" or "Piercings are the now-thing", just ask yourself this "Do I really want to put myself at risk?" Well, not just spiritually (of course, spiritual damage is the ultimate deadly one!) - physically too. You might end up with a real bad infection and lose your parts. If vanity is the reason, then why at all? Right now, if you're thinking of laser as a back-up plan, do check out the cost and the duration of treatment first. And the ink has long-term affects on your health too. We don't need the scientific terms like Ferum (II) oxide here but I'm sure you all pretty much know that ink contains chemicals and most chemicals are hazardous, yes?

Be wise, to those who are on the verge of making a disastrous life-time decision. The choice is still yours. I'm just done sharing what I've learned from the talk and I hope that you'd gain something from this post too.

And to those who have fallen into this, it is not too late to learn, repent and rejoice in the Lord again. Pray and seek for forgiveness, not from men but from God. Remember, He's not only our Creator; He's also our Healer.

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us argue this out", says the Lord. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool."



Iona Tan said...

*looks at Janelle*

Jue. said...

good post. what a eye opener! i had no idea tattoos are related to demonic things.

tks aisha!

Anonymous said...

no offence, but yet another stereotypical blog post about tattoo's and piercings

aisha said...

deron: to each his own lah. LOL

jue lyn: you're welcome =) glad i could share!

u mae: oh i know. there's a whole culture out there centered on tattoos and piercing that is viewed as a creative expression of oneself through art.