Wednesday, May 6, 2009

And akademi fantasia has the same amount of sponsors.

I'd like to blog about the surprise apple crumble, but somebody has yet to give the pictures...*nudge*

What does a painkiller, a sore throat reliever and a berry mixture have in common?

They all bring you American Idol.


All the way from Aimee's blog today, a quote!

Strong women will never ask you So baby, what are you thinking? Because although your answer will be:

a) nothing

b) you

c) uhhh....

We know that you're REALLY thinking:

a) Mmmmm, boobies.

b) Yeah, basically that's it.

Read the whole post here.


chelseaorange said...

apparently some people disagree. i got my first hate comment -_____- FML.

aisha said...

aah. i read it.

it's not easy being green.