Saturday, March 21, 2009

secret: i wish people didn't depend on me

3 tests
2 assignments
1 presentation

In these three weeks.
"It is not the lack of resources, but the inequal distribution of it that leads to conflict."
That's the topic for a thousand word essay for Moral Studies, due next Friday. Apparently, Gandhi is involved. I know one of his quotes to be used in this case.

There's a three-chapter mid term for Econs next week, which I've yet to tackle.

My health is getting worse these days. The sinus is coming back every morning without fail. It used to be so good. Look at the ulcer in my mouth

The thing that's supposed to be happening now in college isn't materialising. And you know where it's going.

I'm gaining weight.

Above all of this, through all of this, I do not feel burdened. It is only when I'm invited to partake in someone else's suffering that I feel burdened.
It's a known fact that no one wants to suffer.
But why do I hate partaking in their misery?
It makes me feel cold, selfish and heartless.
Believe you me, i do not want to be like that.

Perhaps this is the journey to self-actualization: when my own needs can be placed aside in order to concentrate more on helping others.

It's a long journey.

PS: if you think i'm talking about you, sorry lah, not today. =P

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He'll make your paths straight.
-Proverbs 3:5,6

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