Thursday, February 19, 2009

have you devoted time?

picture from here

If you don't do your devotion everyday, I wish you'd read Zlwin's devotion posts on his blog. Here's an excerpt of his most recent one, To Put To Naught The Things That Are:

Do not let the enemy to convince you that you are not good enough to be used by God. Do not let the enemy tell you that you are too weak, you can’t speak well, you are not good with people, you are shy, you are not rich enough and you are not talented enough or not influential enough. Let me tell you that the lesser you are, all the more better it is because God will be able to use you more to demonstrate what He can do with weak people like you and me. If only we would lay down our lives at the foot of the cross and fully yield our life to God, we would not be able to see what God can do.

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