Monday, December 1, 2008

one day

One day, we will look back on all this and say that none of this really mattered anyway-and the only thing that counted, was salvation. The only question that remains after all is said and done is "Do you know your God?"

Can you answer that question?

Now, it is said that in the typical life, a person only starts to look for God when he or she is in their senior years. But what if you started young?

What if you looked for God in all the right places?

What if He answers you?

What if His Spirit falls upon you?

What if He changes you from the inside out?

What if He makes you into something you never thought you'd be?

Then you, have experienced something everyone needs to experience before dying.


Mum just called and asked us to look at the moon. It's crescent, upside down, and had two shiny stars lingering just above it. So adorable! Like it's happy at the nightlife.
Kinda like this:

Strange but cute.
And the moon don't go clubbing to be happy ok.


caffe_latte said...

Hey! I found another blogger who blogged about the moon too, thought maybe you'd like to know.

aisha said...

Ooh! Thank you very much~will check it out.

Did you manage to peep at the moon that night?

caffe_latte said...

Oh, no I didn't.
I was being the hermit as usual, rarely look at the moon. Found out through the internet.
Apparently it's a phenomena. Something about Venus and some other planet, can't really remember.