Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stop running in the rain.

picture by Chutterbug

Stop running in the rain, when droplets are coming down fast and hard on your head.

Your face stings and you can't see where you're going.

The water seeps into your shoes and slows you down.

Droplets go against your way and wet you more than you can imagine.

Start walking in the rain.

You'll be going against the current, but the results are better than running against the current.

Don't try to interpret your own faith in God.

Don't assume that your heart determines the strength of your faith in God.

Don't think that you have control of your faith.

God will take care of you.
He will make sure you're always in His hands.
He never lets you slip.

"Indeed, He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleep,"

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