Monday, June 16, 2008


OH I got tagged!
Rules: The selected blogger must say 10 things about themselves. Then tag 5 other people to do the tag.
(since i got tagged twice, i'll do 15)

1. When I got the news of petrol price increase, Mix FM was playing Matchbox 20's These Hard Times.

2. I like yellow. Coldplay yellow.

3. Once, during kawad practice, the commander told us to stand still and not move or talk for 15 minutes.
I had a fit of laughter for 10 minutes. When they asked me what was wrong, I doubled over and laughed some more.

4. I want to learn to sing. Opera.

5. I'm a bulimic blogger. (withdraw from blogging for a few days, and come back with many posts-this is my third today)

6. I just created the term bulimic blogger.

7. Will never get braces. Sakit dei.

8. Avoiding Musique Day article.

9. I know where the line is.

10. Will Wiki/Google "quantitative decompostition"-new CSI term. Did anyone see Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters there?! When I saw the first three failed experiments I thought, "Mythbuster-worthy!" and BAM there they were! The writers are geniuses.

11. Never had my heart broken before. HAH!

12. Called Jan Quin 22 times in half an hour on a Friday night. Amounted to RM 1.38 (She didn't answer)

13. Never ate at Italliennes (?) and TGI Fridays.

14. 13 is enough.

15. 15 is too much.

I tag.

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