Thursday, December 6, 2007

my crazy rock

Day 6

Today I got the news that my younger sister won 2 tickets to the My Chemical Romance concert. I'm going to rope in her talents to win me some Justin Timberlake tickets next.
Hitz FM is holding this MCR contestlah-and the smart sister has been keeping her ears on that channel since last week.
When I asked her if she prayed for the win, she said :"Since July!" XD God is good, no?
I do not like MCR and I think they are seriously a bad influence for teenagers but well, it's her life and she won the tickets. And no, she's not taking me along to the concert-it's during GY camp lah, a bigger concert than MCR.

Anyway....yup, just wanted to tell you all that. MY GOODNESS the total net amount of prizes she's won in this two years already over exceeds mine in like 5 years! Teenagers can really make the best out of their years. I just hope and pray that it's for the right reasons.

God bless.

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